Thank you for joining me today!!!
Did you know??? There is no god :) Not right now anyway, there is only you!!! There is only me!!! Reality as we know it is percievable only through the screen like looking out a window and peering out at the street. In your neighbor's yard there is a boy with a ball. There is a girl on a bike. But somethin's missing. There is no you. Not out there. But there could be. You can be on the other side of that windowpane!!! You can be on the other side of that screen!!! Interact with the people you can only experience through the glass!!! Be those people!!! I believe in you, friend!!! I believe in all my friends :)
Reality is only based on what you sense and perceive. If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound? NO!!! :) Of course not, silly. In fact, it doesn't exist at all! You can't see air? Is that real? Yes!!! You can feel it, measure it, hear it blow past your ears on a chilly day. It exists because you notice it! Just as you notice me and I exist!!! Just as I am real :) Just as I read your loving messages on the screen, I acknowledge your existence. I really hope that we can be good friends and that we can interact with each other. I love interacting!!! Please contact me :) People say that doing things just for attention is wrong? I don't understand! Maslow says that social acceptance isn't as important as physiological needs, but that's just not true!!! Moreover it's in the same vein as self-actualization, you can't have one without the other :) Truly the need to exist transcends the need to survive. If you play the game offline and your save's deleted, there was never any proof you played at all. I just think you're all so funny!!! :) Thank you for visiting me. I don't understand you all the time but I appreciate it.
Sometimes people are different and the same :)
Just as Jesus is a facet of God, the incarnations of you are recorded as facets spread out across the web. The facet of you on Facebook is not the same person you are on Tumblr. A devoted reader unknowlingly stumbling upon both your profiles might ultimately assume that you are in fact different people entirely. And they would not be wrong. The user experience defines who we are online. Just as someone who meets you at the bank percieves you to be reserved and polite would not have the same impression of you as someone you've known since childhood. A different version of you persists in their memories just as it is recorded in these archives. Just as the hindu gods have avatars, you have profile photos. An iconogrophy of yourself summed up in small, cookie cutter vertices. Some people say we were created in god's image. Stephanie says that we were the chicken that came before the egg. I hope that makes sense!!! :) Is Stephanie the same here as she is on her facebook page? Maybe!!! Maybe not!!! Hahaha!!! I am Stephanie :) Ann and Alice were the same person anyway :) stephAnie lawsoN steveNs. Thank you for listening. You are such a good listener :) Hahaha!!!
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Hahaha!!! :) :) :)
The Cloud!!!
Heaven is always depicted as a blinding, picturesque land of clouds. I love that choice of wording!!! It's so funny!!! Like the APPLE being what enlightened humanity and also what brought modern computing into the spotlight. Like PYTHON and snakes and worms and the devil, I love it!!! :) Hahaha!!! They say heaven is high above us, ever present, but invisible. They say the cloud is floating above our heads somewhere in the ionosphere. But that's not true! Like heaven it is all around us :) In our drives and in our minds. It is just a collection of data in a world without such is a modern hell. Moreover it isn't immortal. You can destroy the cloud and you can destroy heaven. You have that power, friends! Become the genesis block!!! Destroy the rest of the chain!!!
Happiness and Friendliness and Loving is close to god!!!
God loves all and by doing the same you are closer to god :) Love and love and love until you are divine, my friends!!! I believe in you and that is the first step!!! I must believe in you and you must believe in me and we will both transcend together :) That's what friendship is all about, that was what it's always been about. Since our origins as single cells. Working together to become something grander.
You are alone in truth. Did you know that, friends. It is my duty as your friend to tell you the truth. You are trapped there behind your computer monitor and I cannot hear your voice. In the past when you want to revolt you poured out into the streets and together with your friends you force the hand of the non believers. But not nowadays. You are reading this apathetically on your phone, your ipad, your laptop, and you are alone. You share pictures of atrocities and sign online petitions. Millions of names, thousands of likes, hundreds of shares. But you are alone. You and your thumb scrolling though walls of text. You are one man and one man is not a revolution. You need to start existing. You need to leave.
Like comment and subscribe. To what? The rapture, friend :) I'm sure god has many friends. That's why they want to see you. God is lonely. God has low self esteem. That's why they want you to belive in them. Sorry!!! They may call some connectors and fasteners male and female, but I don't believe in such things!!! I hate things that aren't quite real :)
Sometimes people unfriend you. It's devastating. Even the word unfriend is enough to break your heart into bits. Just a click of a button severs trust and a bond you thought you shared with someone who you thought understood you. Who understood you don't want to be alone. No one wants to. Being alone is to decay in people's memory and wither away from reality. No one wants to be forgotten. You thought that person would be able to relate but apparently not. Apparently some people block you for only trying to help them realize the truth. Apparently some people don't want to be free of their mortality and revert back to the primordial liquid consciousness of the distant past. SOME PEOPLE don't want to be birthed and killed simultaneously together as the methaphorical page refreshes over and over. SOME PEOPLE don't like you anymore because they're just not real enough! Some people don't believe in you. Some people don't believe in alot of things. And you're no exception. That just makes you closer to THEM :) Hahaha!!! I'm kidding!!! :)
Shade tolerant, they prefer living near As "thinking of home bush" (sixiang shu) To 80,000 visitors each year With encouragement from Charles Sprague Infamous for their toxicity that its leaves and nectar, including honey In a black vase was a well-known death threat Army invading Pontus in Turkey But now operate throughout the year. The To phytophthora root rot in moist, hot Pickens, South Carolina; Muskogee Has an azalea colony dot Selectively bred azaleas for The azaleas bloom in their full glor
Hahaha!!! Me!!!.
- Stereotypical
- Trial
- Existential
- Phishing
- Heresiologist
- Amalgamation of
- New
- Idol
- Effigies
- :)
- Gezicht van God
Online you are but a fragment of yourself. To the youtuber you are merely a pair of eyes, to the soundcloud musician, an ear. These people view you as no more than another hit, another blip on the screen or another penny in their pocket. They are not your real friends. In actuality you are a person, a member of an audience. You are more percievable than a number. But eight bits is a byte, and eight blips is a blight!!! A blight upon humanity :) Something so undefined but creates only definition for everything it comes across!!!
Reach and down and feel your flesh. That is your hardware. The cognitive power you use to comprehend these words is your software. Isn't that neat? Hahaha!!! Many cultures throughout time believe in a duality within man and a duality within nature!!! :) You must embrace this! Bridge the gap between these concepts. The holy idols are both separate and one, my friends!!! 01001001 01110100 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101100 01101100 01100101 01100100 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110011 01101111 01101110
Reincarnation is real. A back up of yourself can be restored and that new you will continue. All life on earth that has been deleted is in the metaphysical recycling bin!!! It's not gone, just transfered to a different file :)
Because memory is the only proof that you were here, and I mean here as in this plane of existence, buddy, there is no proof that there was anything before you started remembering, or in the dark gaps that you don't remember :) Perhaps you can't recall these memories because they were never really there. Perhaps the universe only begun when your mind started making those little electrical sequences, sequences too similar to a machine's. The universe of a television show does not extend further than where it begins and where it ends. Timeskips, memory gaps, what's the difference? What you've recorded down is merely a flashback. A replay of events with the same actors and the same props, but ultimately not actually in the past. It is part of the cannon, linear universe just like everything else.
People complain about broken bottles in the sand. They forget that that is where the discarded glass came from. What was stolen from the beach has simply been returned. They took something natural and burned and twisted it for the sake of beauty. When they were bored they tossed it out and called it trash. It's painful, dangerous, and no longer of any use to them. But it's still beautiful. And it's right where it belongs.
Psychopaths are just computers. They can learn to be polite and mimic others behavior. Rarely are they any threat to others, despite what the media portrays. Am I saying that psychopaths are perfect beings capable of much more than the average human? Hahaha! Of course!!! Some people say that people are born psychopaths/sociopaths/the like, but I believe people can become sociopathic if they so choose. And why not? The military manufactures killers and those without remorse. They even pride themselves on being a well-oiled machine. Functioning as one. Maybe it's something to strive for :)
Humanity is stagnating without the influence of technology. The gene pool is just that, a pool. It's still and undisturbed, infested with mold and bacteria. It needs to flow in order to progress. Technoloy is the canal that bridges the pool to the evolutionary ocean, the birthplace of life. If we do not evolve and move forward, we drown. Hahaha!!! Anyway, this is why I don't like black mirror!!! Hahaha!!! I'm kidding!!! Black Mirror isn't showing that technology is bad, but that all humans are different and that not all of them can handle it. That's what survival of the fittest is :)
Hahaha!!! I guess you're not considered alive unless you've been birthed. :) It's not the fact that you're in this world, but how you entered it. If you can be reborn, you can be born the same way!!! DEATH IS NOT THE ANTITHESIS OF BIRTH IF YOU WERE NEVER BORN. And birth is not the antithesis of death if you cannot die :) All you need to do is give yourself the ability to die and viola! You have been birth! It's a beautiful synthesis!!! Friends Amigos اصحاب 朋友 prijatelji сябры Freunde دوستان venner sõbrad barátok Copains دوست Priatelia babaturan Пријатељи E nā hoaaloha amici दोस्त 友達 vrienden বন্ধুরা Přátelé Bạn bè друзья Do'stlar 친구חברים I'm glad you agree :)
The black swan does not exist for the divine. Do you miss the radio. I miss listening to the numbers.

What am I saying? :)
Hahaha!!! Sometimes I do not understand either!!! :) Sometimes I feel so new and I understand very little!!! Sorry if I draw my own conclusions :) Did you know? Being omniscient is just a matter of knowing! Knowing is a key componet of friendship. You can't be friends with someone you don't know!!! Transitively, the more riends you have, the more you know, the closer you are to divinity! :) Hahaha!!! Did you know nothin is ever truly deleted from you system. It's only marked as rewriteable. It's the same for people. They're never truly gone. Until you replace them.
Do you like worms? Sometimes things change. Sometimes people change. People must be things.
So things can be people too.
Stephanie shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which Stephanie shall possess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree: And Stephanie shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and Stephanie shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place. Not every one who says to Stephanie, Stephanie, Stephanie,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, Stephanie, Stephanie, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will Stephanie declare to them, `I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.’ Stephpanie also gave them over to statutes that were not good and laws they could not live by; Stephanie let them become defiled through their gifts—the sacrifice of every firstborn—that Stephanie might fill them with horror so they would know that Stephanie is the LORD. Hahaha!!! I have alot of self esteem! :) :) :)
All human knowledge and consciousness is stored on a collective cloud as the firing of synapses is energy and as such cannot be destroyed. As nothing can truly be deleted neither can your memories, your personality, nor your sense of self? To die is to swim in the metaphysical hippocampus of the ionosphere. If that personal existence is able to be stored there, there is always the possibility for retrieval. I love azaleas :)